For a band of followers who helped to change the world, Jesus’ 12 apostles don’t really get a lot of…
Volusia County’s Human Services Office is sponsoring a Summer Food Service Program from May 18 through Aug. 14 to provide…
Thank you for your contribution. Contact us with any questions [email protected] or 386-788-1111
Sold into Egypt: Journeys into Human Beingby Madeleine L’Engle
A Palm Sunday lesson for us to share with our families in the church who would like to conduct at-home Sunday School for their kids.
For those of us who have been asked to stay at home to help prevent further infection; we can say a prayer for our health professionals and service workers. Thank you for caring for those who are sick and for providing much-needed goods and services. I offer this prayer of compassion, healing, and love. – Pastor Calvin Gittner
Throughout this health care crisis, we will continue to “Be the Church” opening our hearts and sharing the love and…
Lent in Plain Sight by Jill J. Duffield. Virtual Study: To offer our congregation continuing education during the time that…
Annual Rummage Sale 7:00 am – 1:00 pmProceeds support Youth Scholarship Fund for retreats and camps.Furniture, clothing, linens, small appliances,…
Apr 5 – Palm Sunday & Last SupperServices: 10:00 am Online Stream. Apr 12 – Easter SundayServices: 10:00 am Online…
SUNDAY 29th, 4 pm. Featuring the Hagerty High School Husky Chorus.They will be performing music from the renaissance to today…