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4662 S Clyde Morris Blvd, Port Orange, FL 32129
Building Community

Building Community

We believe we are all one body in Christ and we strive to create a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for our members and guests. We also know we will be better equipped to serve our larger community when we take time to make sure we are also building a strong community within our church.

Giving Back

Donations and Contributions.Every gift, no matter the size, helps us continue our mission and serve our community.We accept Cards, Paypal, Vanco, or simply in-person contributions.


We invite all members of our community to worship with us regardless of their membership status. However, if you would like to explore membership further, POPC holds new member sessions several times a year. Please reach out to learn more.

How Can We Partner with You?

POPC is committed to helping those throughout our Port Orange community. We welcome opportunities to partner with other churches and organizations to serve our neighbors. If you know of a need or have a request, please let us know. 

Fellowship Opportunities

We invite all to take part in our many activities designed to help us get to know one another better, share our stories and develop relationships to lean on throughout our walks of faiths. Among our activities:

  • Sunday morning fellowship – enjoy coffee and breakfast snacks before and after services, from 8 a.m. to noon in the Fellowship Hall
  • Book clubs – watch for sign up sheets in the church lobby for book discussions and studies
  • Small group dinners – sign up for our monthly small group dinners and meet new people over a friendly, relaxed meal
  • Young at Heart – enjoy a Saturday night out with your church friends


Some of the organizations we support through our outreach:

  • HUM (serving lunch monthly at the Bridge of Hope program and CanDo Ministry)
  • Silver Sands Middle School (food and school supplies)
  • Horizon Elementary School (food and school supplies)
  • Building Remarkable Communities (monetary support)
  • IDignity Volusia (use of the facility, monetary support, volunteer efforts)

We are here for you

One of the most important qualities of our church family is its eagerness and ability to support one another in times of need. Our Board of Deacons serves to assist with the pastoral care of our members, and they are supported by a variety of individuals to help with transportation, meals, hospital visits and more. And, of course, we are here to support you in prayer. Please let us know how we can help by contacting our church office or sending us a prayer request.

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