For those of us who have been asked to stay at home to help prevent further infection; we can say a prayer for our health professionals and service workers. Thank you for caring for those who are sick and for providing much-needed goods and services. I offer this prayer of compassion, healing, and love. – Pastor Calvin Gittner
God of Compassion
you created our world – full of beauty and wonder,
through your Spirit you gave life to all living things,
made in your image you filled all humanity
with joyful expectation.
Today we are in awe of both the majestic grandeur of creation and the destructive power of disease. We awake early to be renewed by fresh the spirit of a new day or to watch as the sun rises from across the sea.
Yet, even as hearts are being filled with hope our minds are filled with the news of more sickness and more death. Hospitals are filled to near capacity and medical staff are low on energy and supplies. Families are separated by quarantines of time and space.
Give us compassion.
For those who care and serve,
For the lonely and scared,
For those who suffer and grieve.
God of Healing
You heard the cry of your people and came to their aid,
You dared to touch those who were sick
bringing comfort and care,
You offer healing from the disease of body, mind and soul.
Today every part of creation is in need of healing and wholeness. In every nation there are those with fever, those who hunger, those who are hurting and broken.
Give us Healing
We pray for physical healing from virus
and contagious disease,
We pray for healing from depression, despair,
and illnesses of the mind,
We pray for healing for our broken spirits and worried souls.
God of Love
With each new infection, your heart breaks with ours.
With each tear of loneliness and death your Spirit
cries with ours.
In this time, you sustain us through the fullness of your love.
Filled with compassion we seek healing for all. Today we yearn for the in-breaking of your love to take hold within each of us – and across all of creation. That together we would find more than a cure for this virus – that we would find a cure for everything that divides us and prevents all your children from experiencing the fullness of life.
Give us Love
Love for you,
Love for ourselves, family and friends,
Love for neighbors near and far,
Love for today and love for each tomorrow yet to come.